The SysML Skills center is composed of engineers all fully trained on Systems Engineering standard processes (ISO 15288) and on SysML notation. They are leaded by senior MBSE expert Raphael Faudou. Raphael has strong experience in the deployment of SysML language in industry for more than 10 years through the use of several commercial SysML tools.
The SysML skills center provides consulting on SysML language, mapping of Systems Engineering concepts to SysML language, and supports small and large companies in the definition and improvements of their MBSE method and efficient support by tooling.
SAMAREQ, a method for a wide diversity of cases
The Samares-Engineering SysML skills center has analysed all publicly available methods based on the use of SysML language (Harmony SE, FAS, OOSE… ). They reached to the conclusion that none of them do really take into account the existing products and equipments (bottom up approach) even some mention the product line approach. And none of them is able to adapt to the wide diversity of cases ranging from cyber physical systems to software intensive systems, and with a scope that can go from system of systems, final product or dedicated subsystem.
The center has started to define their own method called “SAMAREQ”, strongly inspired of the other existing methods but with more flexibility in the sense there are many ways to use it through different paths. The method is a set of bricks that can be arranged in different sequences. It is quite close to the MagicGrid (from NoMagic) but provides additional guidance.
SAMAREQ has been progressively introduced at different customers, small and large, on different contexts, and helped us getting feedbacks to improve it. After some adaptation done to address the customer requirements and customer specifics, the approach was well appreciated and considered as “quite easy to use” by non specialists. As all of customer cases are covered by Non Disclosure Agreements, we can not share them here.
But we can give an idea through the set of articles published on our blog: “Advanced MBSE with SysML” and we illustrate below the “functional architecture” activity of the method with a case study used for MBSE technical committee of AFIS (French INCOSE chapter). You can see an internal Block Diagram (IBD) that represents the functions of a connected washing machine and the arrangement of functions in terms of functional flows of 3 categories: data, material and energy. All the functions have behaviour that can be executed (not visible on the diagram) and some may contain parametric equations that rule the evolution of key parameters and their bindings (see “Store Water and Clothes”).
The SysML skills center has strong expertize on model simulation and has defined SAMAREQ method so that the functional model can be simulated. The following video shows 3 scenarios used to support early validation.
Samares-Engineering provides a set of trainings ranging from discovery of the SysML notation to the learning of a Practical MBSE approach with SysML notation and Tool and advanced modules on co-simulation between SysML and Simulink or Modelica languages.
For more details, see training section.
Samares-Engineering provides coaching for SysML and deployment support services including:
- Analysis of systems engineering practices and recommandations on the use of the SysML notation
- Development of Specific Guidelines and modeling rules tuned for specific customer usage
- Coaching on the efficient use of the most popular SysMLtools, especially Cameo Systems Modeler
- Transformation of model to support simulation
- Specific Development of generators for documents generation
- Tooling customization to support advanced automation and ease of use according to the customer method